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jQuery JQuery Tags Input

JQuery Tags Input is a jQuery List plugin.

Created by Xoxco

Magically convert a simple text input into a cool tag list with this jQuery plugin.

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jQuery Tags Input Plugin

Do you use tags to organize content on your site? This plugin will turn your boring tag list into a magical input that turns each tag into a style-able object with its own delete link. The plugin handles all the data - your form just sees a comma-delimited list of tags!

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Created by XOXCO


First, add the Javascript and CSS files to your tag:

<script src="jquery.tagsinput.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="jquery.tagsinput.css" />

Create a real input in your form that will contain a comma-separated list of tags. You can put any default or existing tags in the value attribute, and they'll be handled properly.

<input name="tags" id="tags" value="foo,bar,baz" />

Then, simply call the tagsInput function on any field that should be treated as a list of tags.


If you want to use jQuery.autocomplete, you can pass in a parameter with the autocomplete url.


If you're using the bassistance jQuery.autocomplete, which takes extra parameters, you can also send in options to the autocomplete plugin, as described here.


You can add and remove tags by calling the addTag() and removeTag() functions.


You can import a list of tags using the importTags() function...


You can also use importTags() to reset the tag list...


And you can check if a tag exists using tagExist()...

if ($('#tags').tagExist('foo')) { ... }

If additional functionality is required when a tag is added or removed, you may specify callback functions via the onAddTag and onRemoveTag parameters. Both functions should accept a single tag as the parameter.

If you do not want to provide a way to add tags, or you would prefer to provide an alternate interface for adding tags to the box, you may pass an false into the optional 'interactive' parameter. The tags will still be rendered as per usual, and the addTag and removeTag functions will operate as expected.

If you want a function to be called every time a tag is updated/deleted, set it as the 'onChange' option.

By default, if the cursor is immediately after a tag, hitting backspace will delete that tag. If you want to override this, set the 'removeWithBackspace' option to false.


   'autocomplete_url': url_to_autocomplete_api,
   'autocomplete': { option: value, option: value},
   'defaultText':'add a tag',
   'onChange' : callback_function,
   'delimiter': [',',';'],   // Or a string with a single delimiter. Ex: ';'
   'removeWithBackspace' : true,
   'minChars' : 0,
   'maxChars' : 0, // if not provided there is no limit
   'placeholderColor' : '#666666'

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