jQuery jQuery.type()
Learn all about the jQuery function jQuery.type().
A number of techniques are used to determine the exact return value for an object. The [[Class]] is determined as follows:
- If the object is undefined or null, then "undefined" or "null" is returned accordingly.
- jQuery.type( undefined ) === "undefined"
- jQuery.type() === "undefined"
- jQuery.type( window.notDefined ) === "undefined"
- jQuery.type( null ) === "null"
- If the argument is either a primitive value or an instance of a standard built-in ECMAScript object, the [[Class]] internal property is used to determine the type. (More details about this technique.)
- jQuery.type( true ) === "boolean"
- jQuery.type( new Boolean() ) === "boolean"
- jQuery.type( 3 ) === "number"
- jQuery.type( new Number(3) ) === "number"
- jQuery.type( "test" ) === "string"
- jQuery.type( new String("test") ) === "string"
- jQuery.type( function(){} ) === "function"
- jQuery.type( [] ) === "array"
- jQuery.type( new Array() ) === "array"
- jQuery.type( new Date() ) === "date"
- jQuery.type( new Error() ) === "error" // as of jQuery 1.9
- jQuery.type( /test/ ) === "regexp"
- Everything else returns "object" as its type.