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jQuery Socialshareprivacy

Socialshareprivacy is a jQuery Social & RSS plugin.

Created by Patrickheck

A jQuery plugin that allows you to add social buttons in a privacy friendly way

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SocialSharePrivacy is a jQuery Plugin that allows you to add buttons of social networks in a privacy friendly way.

Initially all buttons are inactive and so no data is transferred to or from those websites. Only after a first click they are activated and the code is loaded from the remote source.

It is based on the original plugin by heise. It can be found at http://www.heise.de/extras/socialshareprivacy/ For a demo see: http://c5demo.patrickheck.de/

Iprovements in comparison to the original include:

  • Usage of one single image sprite. This cuts down the number of assets from 9 to only 3.
  • Compatibility with jQuery >= 1.7 (including 1.9)
  • Nicer code formatting

Supported Networks include:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Google+

This is published under MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php



  <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script> 
  <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.socialshareprivacy.min.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript">
      if($('#socialshareprivacy').length > 0){
  <div id="socialshareprivacy"></div>


  1. Copy the minified file "jquery.socialshareprivacy.min.js" to your web directory.
  2. Add a placeholder where you want the buttons to go: <div id="socialshareprivacy"></div>
  3. Include a link to jQuery and "jquery.socialshareprivacy.min.js".
  4. Add a jQuery document-ready function that calls socialshareprivacy.

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