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jQuery jQuery Ajax Nav

jQuery Ajax Nav is a jQuery Navigation plugin.

Created by Panmind

jQuery AJAX Navigation Framework with history, forms, URL hijacking, UI disabling and events support.

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jQuery AJAX Navigation framework

(C) 2009-2010 Mind2Mind s.r.l. - Ruby License.

Spinned off from the [panmind.org][panmind.org] web app. Check it out!

Tutorial documentation is a work in progress. In the meantime, have a look at the reference documentation in source files.

Small demo

To launch the demo app, from your favorite terminal application, enter the "demo" directory and issue:

rackup -p 8080

Then point your browser to http://localhost:8080/ and click around. Source files are in the demo/ directory. Please note that the Rack backend is necessary to navigate the demo without errors: the forms work only when there's a backend answering to POST requests and the demo home page must be handled differently whether the client request comes from XHR or not.

Full-fledged demo

Visit http://panmind.org and navigate through the ReS, try searching the site or sign up and try out the collaboration tools to see what you can gain from using this framework.

Have a look as well to our application.js, network/globals.js, network/res-nav.js and projects/globals.js to see how we implemented this stuff in a quite large Rails application.

Ruby support modules will follow soon.

Core sources


Support libraries


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