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jQuery JQuery GMap

JQuery GMap is a jQuery Maps plugin.

Created by Marioestrada

Lightweight jQuery plugin that helps you embed Google Maps, using the API V3, into your website. Original at http://gmap.nurtext.de/

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What is gMap?

gMap is a lightweight jQuery plugin that helps you embed Google Maps into your website. With less than 2 KB in size (minified and gzipped) it is very flexible and highly customizable.

What's different from the original?

This fork of the original gMap plugin works with the Google Maps API V3 which is faster and has better support for mobile devices as well as traditional browsers. This version of the API also has the benefit that it doesn't require an API key, so no more generating keys for development and production.

This version also adds additional methods (See below) for manipulating the generated maps.


This tiny line of code is being used to embed the map below. Simple, isn't it?


Different Usage

You need to use the Maps API V3 Javascript from Google, you can set the sensor parameter to true or false to detect the user's location, there's no need to generate an API key:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=true"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.6.1.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.gmap.min.js"></script>

This version uses the same documentation as the original version with the following differences:

The maptype has to be set as an string and can be set to any of these values: 'HYBRID', 'TERRAIN', 'SATELLITE' or 'ROADMAP'.

Added the shadowanchor setting to position the shadow properly.

This version no longer uses the infowindowanchor setting.

The control setting now can be set to false for no control or as an Javascript object containing each individual control as a property.

A whole set of options can be set as follows:

var options = {
    controls: {
           panControl: true,
           zoomControl: true,
           mapTypeControl: true,
           scaleControl: true,
           streetViewControl: true,
           overviewMapControl: true
    scrollwheel: false,
    maptype: 'TERRAIN',
    markers: [
            latitude: -2.2014,
            longitude: -80.9763,
            address: "Guayaquil, Ecuador",
            html: "My Hometown",
            icon: {
                image: "images/gmap_pin_grey.png",
                iconsize: [26, 46],
                iconanchor: [12,46]
    icon: {
        image: "http://www.google.com/mapfiles/marker.png",
        shadow: "http://www.google.com/mapfiles/shadow50.png",
        iconsize: [20, 34],
        shadowsize: [37, 34],
        iconanchor: [9, 34],
        shadowanchor: [19, 34]
    latitude: -2.282,
    longitude: -80.272,
    zoom: 10

Accessing the Google Map object reference

The reference is saved using jQuery data on every element the plugin affects, to access it use something like:


Aditional Methods

This methods should be called on elements with initialized maps.

  • centerAt, usage:
$('#map').gMap('centerAt', { latitude: 0, longitude: 0, zoom: 10 });
  • addMarker, usage:
$('#map').gMap('addMarker', { latitude: 0, longitude: 0, content: 'Some HTML content' });

Original License

gMap is licensed under Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 license. In short: You're allowed to copy, distribute, transmit and to adapt – as long as you attribute the work. If you alter, modify or build upon this sourcecode, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same, similar or compatible license.


This plugin was originally developed by Cedric Kastner.

Refactoring to use the Google Maps API V3 was done by Mario Estrada.

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