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jQuery geoInput

geoInput is a jQuery Maps plugin.

Created by Dmgig

Geolocation input type for html forms. jQuery plugin. Requires on Google Maps v3 API and, for reverse geocoding, an API key.

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GeoInput jQuery Plugin

latitude, longitude input type with world map

Geolocation input type for html forms. jQuery plugin. Requires on Google Maps v3 API and, for reverse geocoding, an API key.


A "geolocation" type input for html forms. Provides Google Map and marker. Adds hidden lat/lng fields containing marker postion.

User to provide location as text input. This will be geocoded and marker placed at user specified point. Alternately, the user may drag the marker to the desired location, and then reverse geocode based on marker position.

Creates hidden inputs for lat and lng at all times based on marker position. If reverse geocoding has occurred, creates hidden inputs for each returned address_component.

[code review @ codereview.stackexchange.com] (http://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/78463/geoinput-jquery-plugin)

Input shown inside demo html form

geoinput screencap

Reverse Geocode

geoinput during reverse geocode screencap

Change Log

8/10/16 Refactor

  • add svg icons
  • code refactor
  • add npm, gulp

1/27/15 New Features

  • Multiple maps
  • UI adjusts dependent on apikey being used

1/22/15 New Features!

  • Control panel for session storage of zoom and map center
  • Update icons and buttons
  • Cleaner, clearer code

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