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jQuery Lunch_vote

Lunch_vote is a jQuery Rate & Vote plugin.

Created by Trylobot

lunch vote! (node.js+socket.io+knockout.js+jquery+scss)

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lunch vote!


  • node.js
  • socket.io
  • knockout.js
  • jQuery
  • SCSS

To perform first-time setup, copy app.cfg.EXAMPLE.json to app.cfg.json and make any desired changes. Make sure Node.js is installed somewhere and run install_server.bat. If you plan to debug the server, also run install_node-inspector.bat. If you plan to make changes to styles, make sure Sass is installed first.

To start the server for development/testing, run start_server.bat.

To debug server side, run debug_server.bat, run start_node-inspector.bat, then run shortcut view_node-inspector

To make changes to the client-side javascript, edit src/*.js, then minify and save in public/*.min.js

To make changes to the stylesheets, run watch_sass_style.bat, edit src/*.css, then minify resulting public/*.css and save in public/*.min.css

To make changes to assets, edit directly in public/* (save psd sources in docs)

Data is stored in data/*

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