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jQuery bootstrap-year-calendar

bootstrap-year-calendar is a jQuery Date & Time plugin.

Created by Paul-DS

A fully customizable year calendar widget, for jQuery and bootstrap.

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A fully customizable year calendar widget, for boostrap ! You can find all details on the official website.

alt tag


This plugin requires the following libraries :

  • Bootstrap v3.0.0 or later
  • jQuery v1.8.0 or later


You can get the widget using the following methods:

  • From the GitHub repository or the official website.
  • From the Node package manager, using the following command: npm install bootstrap-year-calendar
  • From Bower, using the following command: bower install bootstrap-year-calendar


You can create a calendar using the following javascript code :




or with the data-provide html attribute

<div data-provide="calendar"></div>

  • alwandy

    $(function() {
    displayWeekNumber: true

    i cannot call the calendar, can you help me?

  • ruwantha

    is it possible to add data to database and retrieve data from the database by using this plugin?

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