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jQuery Better Autocomplete

Better Autocomplete is a jQuery Autocomplete plugin.

Created by Betamos

A flexible jQuery plugin which offers rich text autocompletion, both from local and remote sources.

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Better Autocomplete jQuery plugin

This jQuery plugin can be attached to text input fields for autocompletion, using mouse and keyboard for selection. It can handle either a local source (e.g. an array of objects) or a remote resource (e.g. by polling an AJAX path which delivers JSON/XML data asynchronously).


  • jQuery 1.4+
  • A modern desktop web browser or Internet Explorer 7+

Actually, Better Autocomplete probably works fine for many mobile device web browsers as well, but for now they are not supported.

Demo and documentation

Try the demonstration and browse the documentation.


The most powerful ability of this plugin, compared to others, is that it is very flexible. There are settings and callbacks for almost every aspect of the plugin. The callbacks can be overridden easily by you to customize the behavior. Read documentation for details.

If there is one callback that will do you more good than anyone else, it is the select callback. For sample implementations, check demo directory.

Building instructions

It works perfectly fine to use the contents of the src directory as is, but it is also possible to generate a minified version of the JavaScript file (using Google Closure Compiler).

Just run make from the command line to generate minified JS (you need curl and an internet connection). Then check out the build directory.

To generate documentation you need to download and configure JsDoc Toolkit so that you have jsrun.sh in your PATH. Then run make html from the command line.

Author and license

Better Autocomplete, Copyright 2011, Didrik Nordström

Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.

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