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jQuery smarthint.js

smarthint.js is a jQuery UI plugin.

Created by tizis

A small clickable tooltip library with the possibility of html makeup

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A small clickable tooltip library with the possibility of html makeup

I could not find a tooltip library that matched my requirements. These are: the possibility of html coding tips, light weight, ease of editing, clickable. I am a backend developer, so do not judge strictly :)

Support position relative, absolute or no position.

Available attributes:


data-visibility ='none'

data-tooltip-position =''

Get Started

  1. Download lib.
  2. Include lib.
    1. Include smarthint.css in the HEAD tag of your page.
    2. Include jquery in the HEAD tag of your page.
    3. Include smarthint.js or smarthint.min.js in the HEAD tag of your page.
  3. Html makeup:





    Where SIDE is tooltip side - top, bottom. left or right.

  4. See example.

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Apache License