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jQuery Pixelate JS

Pixelate JS is a jQuery Hover plugin.

Created by 43081j

jQuery plugin to pixelate images and, optionally, reveal on hover

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pixelate.js is a simple library and jQuery plugin to pixelate any set of images and optionally reveal them on hover.

Demo here


pixelate.js can be used with or without jQuery.

// Following two lines are near identical

Or via HTML data attributes:

<img src="test.jpg" width="200" height="200" data-pixelate>


  • value The percentage of pixelation to perform, a value between 0 and 1
  • reveal Reveal the image on hover and remain revealed if clicked
  • revealonclick Reveal the image on click. When combined with reveal, it will remain revealed after being clicked.

These options may be specified by data tags, like so:

<img src="img.jpg" data-pixelate data-value="0.5" data-reveal="false">

or by jQuery/JavaScript:

$('img#myimage').pixelate({ value: 0.5, reveal: false });



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